Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 94, 365 It’s time to go, Christmas decorations

The turkey is in the oven; in a few hours we will be taking it, along with ourselves and gifts from the put and take, to the family gathering at my niece’s. 

      So what’s all this about Christmas decorations, you ask? Well, I’m hoping that the younger generations will want these ornaments and decorations that my husband gleaned from the put-and-take just before it closed at the end of October. I feel like I’m treading water again. All these Christmas sitters have appeared and we haven’t even tried to get rid of all the stuff in the Christmas boxes in the attic.


     Then there are these freebies. They drive grownups nuts, at least this grownup. The other day they were talking to me from the bureau draw that had become their home—their rental home. I’m evicting them today. 

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