Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 112/365 It’s time to go, travel folders


 On vacation most of us have had the experience of going to the state tourist bureau and leaving with more brochures and maps than we will ever need. Life just doesn’t give us enough days to stay at every B&B, experience every fun park, golf course, and boating adventure, or climb every mountain. 

So, we either leave the enticing advertisements in a motel room, or they end up mauled on the car floor. Or, if we’re the conscientious type, they find their way back home, piled on the kitchen table before getting filed…You know the rest….Ten years later we throw them out. 
     Not this time, however. On my way home on Friday, I plan to leave them back at the Maine Tourist Center. Well, at least the ones that look like new, the ones that we haven’t torn any pages out of.
     Here’s my dilemma. Do I hand them to the green, eco-friendly attendant? Or do I sneak them back onto their proper place on the shelf? Letting go of stuff isn’t always easy.

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