Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 60/365 It’s time to go, children’s books

    During my teaching career I accumulated hundreds of children’s story books. A few were given to me by publishers, but most I purchased with my own salary, thus keeping publishing companies afloat and school budgets balanced. (Can you imagine what would happen to the U.S. economy if teachers stopped spending their own money on their classrooms?)

    But now I am challenged to find ways to let these books go in a useful and non-wasteful manner. Over the years they have gone to grandchildren, teachers, church fairs, etc. Recently I’ve been giving  them as baby gifts, wrapping up a group of four or five and sending them off.
     Today I’ll take some up the street to two different neighbors who just had babies. I know that they will be welcomed immediately by the siblings. Nothing like story time to bring joy, and to calm things down, during such times.   

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