Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 6/365 It’s time to go, Teddy Bears

    “What, only one?” you say. “You’ll never get rid of stuff at that rate.”

     True, but this mama bear and her baby represent so much more than just more tossing. You see, yesterday I took them to a friend at a rehab facility. She had fallen, once gain, which can be pretty discouraging, so I figured maybe these two would cheer her up. Well, they seemed to do more than that; they gave her purpose. She cuddled them as I wheeled her outside, and then they were introduced to everyone she saw. What ice breakers!
     Getting rid of stuff can be so much more than just tossing. It can encourage us to share what we have in very specific and intentional ways; it can take on a new meaning of recycling.
      I have other stuffed animals around the house ready to go. The put-and-take won’t accept them, and the church fair is always is over-stocked, but those who need a visit, be they old, young, or in-between, always welcome a new friend.

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