Saturday, December 30, 2017

It's time to go, this-old-house, 215/365

On August 20, 2012 I started this blog. My idea was to get rid of something every day that year, and write about it. What a crazy goal but I did pretty well and over the years posts have come and gone.
      My husband and I continue to get rid of stuff to keep this old house from overflowing with treasures from 54 years of marriage. We’ve rented a couple of dumpsters, given stuff to our kids and the church fair, and carted off treasures to Goodwill and the town dump/put-and-take.

    Now we are at it again in earnest--serious earnestness. With our birthdays catapulting us smack into our late 70s, we figure it’s time to move from this old house of forty years to a condo. We figure a condo will give us the independence we love, and should definitely be easier to maintain than this old house. If nothing else, we won’t be dealing with steep stairs all the time, and the kitchen pipes won’t freeze.  

      Case in point. Today, on my 78th birthday I am still agile enough to carry dishes to the upstairs bathroom sink to wash them, and I have faith that Jim and I will be able to do so for the next two weeks until this New England freeze runs it 


 So, we’re back, letting go of stuff. Stay tuned. I'm more than half way to 365 days of purging. 

 (Those are dishes and a pitcher of water at the top of the stairs.)